Confusing taxonomy

Pied / Torresian Imperial Pigeons in Queensland all belong to the same species, but they are known by multiple names which can be confusing.

Within the Columbidae (the wider taxonomic Family of pigeons) these birds are formally classified as Ducula, an important genus of imperial-pigeons. However, their specific assignment remains unsettled.

In earlier times, ornithologists identified sub-species  of imperial-pigeons based on small variations in the birds external appearance. The assumption of multiple sub-species, gave rise to multiple scientific names for Ducula in Australia. However, most authorities now recognise a single species of native Australian imperial-pigeon. Unfortunately they don’t all agree on how this single species should be named.

For these birds, the name Ducula bicolor was preferred during the 1990s and early 2000s following Christidis & Boles (1994). However, other authorities prefer the name Ducula spilorrhoa. The latter name has been used more frequently during the 2020s.

Comprehensive genetic analysis could potentially resolve the confusion but sufficient analysis has not yet been done for ‘our’ Pied / Torresian imperial-pigeons.

In the meantime, no matter which name we prefer to use, these lovely birds are visually distinctive and we can continue to observe and appreciate them, and protect their habitat.

Julia Hazel