PIP/TIP Nest Form Please record as much detail as possible, * essentialObserver Name * Observer Email * Nest-ID *Initials and number, use same ID for follow-up reports of the same nest Observation Date * State/Territory *QLDNSWNTWAOther Nest Location *Geographic location e.g. park/reserve, suburb and town or distance from nearest town. Include State if you selected 'Other' above. Lat Decimal degrees e.g. -16.345 Lon Decimal degrees e.g. 145.567 Help for Lat/Lon Nesting Stage *PIP observed building this nestPIP sitting in this nest as if broodingPIP tending juvenile in / close to this nestJuvenile PIP alone in / close to this nestNo PIP visible at this nestOther - explain below please Details PLEASE PIP behavior, tree species, surrounding habitat, nest details etc Photo? Email photo to admin@pipwatch.net - include Nest ID and date pleaseNoYes Follow-up obs (if possible) are very important PLEASE *Yes, Intend to check this nest againFinal - do not intend to check again If applicable describe final outcome: uncertain? success? failure? cause of failure? VerificationPlease enter any two digits with no spaces (Example: 12) *If Submit button does not work, please scroll up and complete required itemsThis box is for spam protection - please leave it blank