PLEASE add your voice to ours and request Cairns Regional Council to schedule tree pruning outside the nesting season and to postpone any unavoidable tree removal until after the nesting season.
Phone 07 4044 3326 or email
Cairns Council is planning to remove trees near the hospital (see photo of notice) and was apparently not aware that many Pied Imperial-Pigeons, also known as Torres Strait Pigeons, are currently breeding there.
Brian recorded at least 10 active PIP nests in the threatened trees at the beginning of November, therefore 10 or more PIP chicks could die if these nest trees are cut down in the near future.
Palms along the Esplanade have also been pruned very recently, presumably without knowledge of the risk to PIPs nesting in some of the palms and many other trees along the Esplanade.
Please express you concerns and ask the Council to schedule palm pruning and other routine tree maintenance outside the nesting season.